University of Sydney
Pharmacology and Physiology
In 2023 I suffered a major injury, and after undergoing multiple surgeries and their respective recoveries I decided to change my career at the end of 2024. I found the recovery and ongoing impacts of the injury to be both mentally and physically challenging, and it has become my mission to help other people through this difficult time. Joining the team at Movement Therapy is the first step towards achieving this, and I hope to study physiotherapy after I complete my bachelor’s so that I can continue to help others.
I enjoy partaking in many high risk actives, hence the rap sheet of injuries, but lets categorise it as: if anything involves heights, I’ll be up there.
Spiderman, live action or animated, any actor, I love them all.
World peace is resolved within oneself, so if we had a little more personal reflection the world would be a better place.
Australian Surf Indie
I could eat nachos all day, every day.
I’d rather go out with a bang than struggle through a survivor scenario so I’d choose Hayley and Brittney for the entertainment value.
Are you ready to embark on your movement journey with us in Picton or Wollongong? Schedule a complimentary phone consultation with one of our practitioners today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you!
Movement Therapy has two clinic locations: